2025 Grand Orange Lodge of New Zealand Meeting: Christchurch 30 May - 2 June
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Orange Order New Zealand is part of a worldwide Protestant fraternity which exists in nine countries across the globe. We are faith-based, non-political and proudly patriotic.
Our main tenets are to promote the Reformed Faith based on the Infallible Word of God, the Holy Bible, and to give allegiance to the reigning monarch, our constitution, and our country.
We hold regular Orange Order Lodge meetings across New Zealand, where we tend business including Scripture teaching, historical discussion, fellowship, membership, welfare and charitable outreach, as well as engaging in local community and civic occasions with family and friends.
Integrity Loyalty Charity Faith
Along with gaining a sense of belonging and following in my family's footsteps, I have made new friends and overcome my fear of public speaking. Before joining, I was quite apprehensive about speaking in public (which might surprise some people).
Wor. Sis. Gina Lindsay-Crawford
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