18 June 1938 - 2 March 2024
Past Grand Master – Loyal Orange Institution of New Zealand
Past Grand Master – Imperial Orange Council of the World.
We were indeed blessed the day Most Worshipful Brother Charles Ferrel was initiated into the Junior Boys’ Lodge, No. 1. “Massey,” in Wellington on 6th June 1947. Thus began a lifetime of dedication and service which continued for 77 years and was truly exceptional. He was still an active member when he was called to Higher Service on 2nd March 2024.
In 1994 Charles was elected to the position of Grand Master of the Imperial Orange Council of the World and so remarkable was his service over the years, that he has held almost every office from Inner Guard of his Junior Lodge to Imperial Grand Master. He has represented New Zealand on many occasions overseas earning him the utmost respect from the overseas Grand Lodges.
Charles was a Foundation Member of Southern Cross Intermediate Lodge – the first Intermediate Lodge in New Zealand, becoming Master in 1956. He joined Senior Lodge no. 68/16 in 1955 – the first member to serve in the Junior, Intermediate and Senior Lodges at the same time.
He was a keen supporter of our Junior and Intermediate members, serving as Superintendent of Massey Boys’ Lodge in Wellington, was Wellington District Superintendent, Assistant Grand Superintendent and Grand Superintendent of the Junior Lodges. He was the foundation Worshipful Master of Maranui Lodge in Kilbirnie – a lodge of young members.
Charles was the youngest member to become District Master in Wellington when he was elected in 1964 and was the second youngest member to be elected Grand Master of New Zealand at the Grand Lodge Sessions in Auckland on 19th April 1976. It was in his role of Grand Master that he led the tour of Junior Members to Australia in 1977, visiting Victoria and New South Wales. His first office in Grand Lodge was Junior Deacon in 1968.
Charles has also served as Worshipful Commander of the Royal Arch Purple Chapter No. 2. in Wellington and was a Past Master of Royal Black Preceptory No. 395. Charles was also politically active, serving on the Orange Public Questions Association where he held the position of secretary for many years. He was involved in this area for 54 years. He was also a member of the National Headquarters Board from 1972 to 1998, during this time he held the position of secretary.
Communication was very important to Charles. He was the Editor of the New Zealand Orange News from 1984 to June 2017 – 33 years of producing regular issues of the paper for distribution both in New Zealand and overseas. Prior to this, he was the Editor of the Wellington District Newsletters. He was Director of the Nation Printing and Publishing Company from 1966 to 1974.
Closer ties with overseas jurisdictions were very important to Charles, he travelled to July Celebrations in Belfast in 1970, 1976, 1979, 1982, 1984 and 1987, and the 300th anniversary at Loughall in 1995. Trips were made to the Twelfth celebrations in County Antrim in 2000 and Melbourne in 2001. In 2003 he attended and addressed the Twelfth at Markethill in County Armagh, 2006 in Belfast and addressed the gathering in Armagh in 2009. In 2000 was guest speaker at the opening of the Thompson Family Orange Arch in Newtonabbey, Northern Ireland. From 1976-1982 he held the position of Vice President of the Imperial Orange Council.
On 21st September 1995, as Imperial Grand Master, he unveiled the Monument to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the formation of the Orange Order after the Battle of the Diamond on 21st September 1795. He attended meetings of the Grand Orange Lodge of Australia in Melbourne and Sydney and their Twelfth Celebrations on various occasions. In 2005, he was guest speaker at the Twelfth July Celebrations lunch in Sydney at the Bankstown Trotting Club Conference Facilities. In 2011, conducted the Grand Orange Lodge of Australia Installation of Officers held in Sydney. In November 2014, conducted the election and Installation of Officers of the Grand Orange Lodge of Victoria, and in 2015 conducted the Installation of Officers of the Grand Lodge of Victoria.
On many occasions Charles was accorded Honours which were well and truly earned:
In 1980 he received the Order of Meritorious Service to Grand Lodge Award of the Grand Orange Lodge of New Zealand
On 15th July 1984 was appointed Honorary Grand Officer of the Grand Orange Lodge of Togo, West Africa at their annual session.
On 15th July 1995 was appointed Honorary Deputy Grand Master of Loyal Orange Institution of New South Wales.
In 2003, appointed Honorary Member of the Tildarg True Blue Lodge 632, Ballyclare, Northern Ireland.
In July 2005 was awarded the Australia Order of Merit of the Grand Orange Lodge of Australia, the presentation was made at the Twelfth Celebrations in Melbourne.
In 2013 was invested with the insignia of Honorary member of the Grand Orange Lodge of Victoria Australia in recognition of service to Orangeism, presentation by Grand Master R.W. Bro. Jeff Hardy at the Annual General Meeting of the Grand Orange Lodge of Victoria in Box Hill Melbourne.
In addition to his service to the Orange Order, Charles gave a life time of service to the Salvation Army from 11th November 1952 when he was enrolled as a Junior Soldier of the Kilbirnie Corps. He was a Senior Soldier from 18th January 1970, Corps Sergeant Major from 15th October 1991 until his retirement in May 2009. Other roles are Editor of the Kilbirnie Corps Newslink, Member of the Kilbirnie Corps Council, and Chairman for the Kilbirnie Corps Centennial Committee. In 2016 he was appointed a member of the Kilbirnie Corps Pastoral Care Council. In recognition for his commitment and contribution, along with ten others, he was presented with a Certificate in recognition on 10th November 2013.
Other interests included:
Member of the New Zealand Labour Party, Miramar – now Peninsular Branch of the Rongotai Electorate and was vice Chairman from 2013 – 2018.
Elected delegate to the Rongotai LEC 2015 and to the LRC in 2015.
Life Member of Birthright Wellington.
Member of Wellington Historical and Early Settlers serving as secretary for two years.
Member of Manchester Unity Wellington City Lodge, received their 60-year certificate on 5th March 2016.
Member of Ulster/New Zealand Trust.
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research=
Genealogy – compiling family history since 1956 and member of Kilbirnie Branch of the Genealogy Organisation.
Numismatics & philately
Member of the Monarchist League of New Zealand, later renamed Monarchy New Zealand.
All of the above is in addition to being employed from 1st December 1994 to his retirement on 29th May 2003. A short time of being unemployed through restructuring was used to care full time for sister Isabel when she became unwell.
There is no doubt Charles lived life to the full, worked hard, and contributed so much to so many organisations. Charles, you are now with the Lord and have already heard those wonderful words, 'Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of the Lord.’
To all members of the Ferrel family, we extend our sincere sympathy, love and prayers, your loss is also our loss. Charles was a much-loved member of the Orange Family and will be greatly missed worldwide.